Insights and Resources for Nonprofit Fundraising
Prioritizing Customer Service When Choosing a CRM
There are so many factors to consider when making the choice to migrate to a new CRM: the cost, the allowable number of users, whether it has functionality you need, the ease of the interface, whether remote or cloud access is available…and that’s just to name a few.
That said, we’d like to make the case for prioritizing another factor that isn’t on the list above: the quality of the customer service experience.
Building Your Contributed Revenue Budget: 5 Tips from Donorly Consultants
We’ve polled our consulting team and have collected for you some of our favorite tips for taking on your FY20 contributed revenue budget.
To Crowdfund or Not to Crowdfund? 5 Things to Consider
Crowdfunding might seem like a tech-driven fundraising trend, but the concept has actually been around for quite a long time. In 1884, The New York World raised over $100,000 from 160,000 people in order to fund the base for the Statue of Liberty. In his appeal to his mass readership, publisher Joseph Pulitzer wrote on the front page of the paper “Let us not wait for the millionaires to give us money.”
Bringing an End to the Reign of Email
One of our consultants was recently in a staff meeting at a client organization when a member of the marketing department proudly announced that they had put an end to email usage.
We think that strategy is brilliant.
How Your Brand Supports Your Fundraising
Your brand (or, what the public thinks of when they hear your name) and your ability to raise funds from that public, are inextricably linked. A prospective donor’s understanding of your values, mission, and work (not to mention what they think of that work) play an enormous role in their decision of whether and how much to donate to your cause.
Guest Post: Stop Sleeping & Start Running Ultra-Effective Board Meetings
In this guest post, Erin Booker from Funraise tackles the question of what makes an effective board meeting (Besides plenty of coffee and snacks)?
Of course, there are the basic components to any board meeting, but we believe in a secret sauce that will take your board meeting from good to great, from volunteer to movement leader, from good Samaritan to superhero, from...okay, you get the picture.
The Most Important Quality to Look For When Hiring a Development Assistant
As important as it is to have the right Development Director or Major Gifts Officer, when it comes to maintaining an effective fundraising department, it is absolutely essential to have the right Development Assistant.
To be more effective, we suggest that you seek to hire for attitude and train for skills.
Beyond the Ask: Putting Your Stakeholders to Work on Donor Cultivation
There is a misconception about what goes into fundraising that can sometimes keep organizational stakeholders (such as board members, or dedicated volunteers) feeling a little skittish about getting involved—that fundraising is all about asking for money.
Yes, of course fundraising includes asking for money, but a development department’s work is so much more than that.
Handling Challenging Conversations with Board Members and Donors
Conflict is a part of everyday life, but when it comes to Board Members or donors, it is easy for that conflict to become especially fraught. It can be challenging to walk the line between expressing and adhering to your organizational values while simultaneously trying to keep an important stakeholder happy. Here are a few suggestions for strategies to strike that ever important balance.
Staying in Touch with Donors: 6 Innovative Strategies
Building relationships with donors is the goal of your donor engagement strategy. These 6 tips will help you keep in touch to begin this essential relationship!
4 Ways Fundraising Research and Consulting Help Nonprofits
Wondering what your nonprofit has to gain from fundraising research and consulting? See these 4 major ways they will help your nonprofit reach its goals.
3 Strategies for Staying on Top of Donor Data When You're Understaffed
If there’s one thing we advocate for on the Donorly Blog, it’s donor data tracking. We’re interested in data hygiene, the uses for fundraising, communications, and sales data, and choosing the CRM that’s right for you. Of course, none of that matters if you’re not staffed to successfully keep your data organized and clean in the right tool, in a way that is actually useful to you.