Insights and Resources for Nonprofit Fundraising
Running Tech-Savvy Charity Auctions: 5 Best Practices
Planning and managing a charity auction event can often be a time of chaos for many nonprofit organizations.
Between seating arrangements and procuring items, you’ll have your hands full—and that’s just within the planning stage! Luckily, there are innovative ways to go about organizing your next charity auction.
Unique Nonprofits: Accion
Accion is an international organization that seeks to achieve what it calls a “financially inclusive” world, one in which all people have access the tools and services they need to develop the financial literacy necessary to make their dreams come true. To reach this ambitious goal, Accion takes a multi-faceted approach, one which involves partnering with local financial organizations across five continents.
Relationship Mapping: Putting Your Board to Work
No matter what size your organization, your board of directors serves a variety of important functions, but from a fundraising perspective, a board member’s personal and professional networks can be a huge asset. Whether you’re trying to assess a prospective board member’s network or figuring out whether you can make a connection through a current board member, even a little research can go a long way.
Tools You Can Use: Asana
At Donorly, we use a wide variety of online tools—research databases, social media schedulers, cloud storage, a CRM—but if there’s one thing we cannot live without, it’s Asana. Asana is to us what we imagine a Swiss Army knife must be to a seasoned outdoors-person: it does everything. Whether your team works remotely or all together in one room, this free tool (yes, another FREE tool!) is an awesome resource for keeping you on track and on time.
Creative Research Tools: The Wayback Machine
There comes a time when even the most sophisticated donor research tools don’t have all of the information you need, and you have to get a little creative to track down the information you want. That’s where the Wayback Machine comes in. An archive of old web pages (and old drafts of current web pages), the Wayback Machine is one of our Research Team’s favorite free-to-access tools.
Recommended Reading: Leadership and Management
The staff at Donorly has compiled a Labor Day reading list—four books that tackle the subject of management and leadership in the nonprofit world and beyond!
Choosing a CRM That's Right For Your Organization
Choosing CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Software can be overwhelming. Whether you are a small organization transitioning out of your Excel spreadsheets and into software for the first time, or a larger organization on the hunt for a new product, there are many important factors to consider.
Nonprofit Case Study: RIP Medical Debt
RIP Medical Debt is not your average charitable organization. Founded in July 2014 by two former collections industry executives, the NY-based small nonprofit has a simple and yet important mission: Seek out, buy, and forgive unpaid and unpayable medical debt. With few programmatic activities beyond abolishing medical debt (and public education about the issue), RIP Medical Debt remains agile and puts donor dollars directly to use.
Trends In Philanthropy: Trusting the Nonprofit Experts
As we look forward into FY18, we’re noticing some interesting changes in the ways that individual and institutional donors are deciding how to spend their charitable dollars, and how they’re deferring to other people’s expertise as they make those gifts.
Take Part in #GivingTuesday
#GivingTuesday is a social movement that was created to support and celebrate nonprofit organizations. Founded by the United Nations Foundation and 92nd Street Y the campaign has grown exponentially since its inception only five years ago.
Donors Really Don’t Like Change That Much [via The NonProfit Times]
It is said that people are “creatures of habit” who tend to do the same things over and over. That’s certainly the case in fundraising. Donors tend to repeat previous behaviors, including responding to the types of appeals they previously found compelling. Getting donors to repeat their previous actions is critical to donor retention and revenue.
5 Ways to Humanize Email Fundraising Appeals
If you’re a nonprofit, chances are you are sending an email fundraising appeal this month. And maybe next month. And definitely the next month. Email, for most nonprofits, is the single largest source of online fundraising revenue. And technology advances have allowed marketers and fundraisers to send emails to hundreds of people at once for extremely low cost.